How to get 1k Subs & 4k Watch Hrs (10% YouTubers Strategy)

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    Hey friends!

    Henry here, back at it again with another spicy blog article.

    Now I know what you’re thinking… “Henry, you handsome devil, haven’t you made enough articles telling us how to get famous on YouTube?!”.

    And to that, my sweet summer child, there can never be too much advice regarding making it big on the ‘Tube!

    In all seriousness, though, I’d like to have a heart-to-heart about the journey to getting 1,000 loyal subscribers and 4,000 annual watch hours (the requirements to monetize your channel).

    Because let me tell ya, folks, it ain’t no walk in the park!

    When I first started my channel, I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 

    I knew my hilarious skit videos would take off, and I’d be the next Ryan Higa in no time! 

    Well…that didn’t exactly happen.

    Turns out screaming into a camera in your bedroom isn’t instant viral video material (who knew?).

    After posting weekly videos for 6 MONTHS and only getting 14 subscribers (thanks, Mom!), I knew I had to change my strategy.

    And that’s when I discovered the dark underbelly of YouTube optimization…things got a little weird for a while. 

    I even tried dressing up like a frog and reviewing beauty products (I know, don’t ask).

    Let’s just say there were many lonely nights eating dry ramen noodles and crying onto my keyboard.

    But after many trials and tribulations (and maybe sacrificing my dignity more than a few times), I finally cracked the code! 

    So, whether you’re just starting or ready to pull your hair out, stick with me, and I’ll share my hard-won wisdom.


    The 4 Essential Steps to Getting 1K Subscribers & 4K Watch Hours

    After years of struggling in the YouTube trenches, I’ve boiled my strategy down to just 4 key steps:

    1. Pick a niche
    2. Research like a cyborg
    3. Zazz up your titles & thumbnails
    4. Hook them & keep them

    Let’s break down each one in detail so you can start growing your channel the right way.

    Step 1: Pick a Niche

    The first thing I see most new YouTubers do wrong is…well, everything. But specifically, not picking a niche early on. They’ll post a slime video one day, then a day in my life the next, and then some Fortnite gameplay. And they wonder why nobody sticks around to subscribe!

    You must get specific from the start, just like huge channels like PewDiePie, MrBeast, and MKBHD did. Laser in on a very targeted topic so viewers know what to expect from you. It helps them decide to invest their precious time in your content.

    Me after trying different styles, I finally settled on creating videos about YouTube strategy and growth. A bit meta, but it worked! After sticking to my niche, I went from 14 subscribers to over 5,000 in just 8 months.

    Pick a YouTube Channel Niche

    What niche is right for you? Here are some signs you’ve found a good one:

    You’re passionate about it. You actually enjoy creating content around this topic. This passion will come through in your videos!
    There’s a demand for it. Use Google Trends and YouTube searches to see if people are actively interested in videos related to your niche. No demand = no views.
    It has a strong community. See if there are Facebook Groups, subreddits, or forums around your niche you can engage with. Having a community to market to is key!

    So, in summary, laser focus on one niche, make sure you + the YouTube algorithm loves it, and profit?

    Step 2: Research Like a Cyborg

    Okay, so you’ve locked in on a specific niche. Congrats! Now the fun really begins…researching the crap out of that niche! I know, thrilling, right?

    But seriously, too many YouTubers skip this vital step and create content people don’t want. So, take the time to understand your niche, audience, and competitors deeply.

    Research for a YouTube Channel Niche

    Here’s your research checklist:

    Google everything. Keywords, search volume, trends – what are people searching for related to your niche? Pro tip: Also check suggested searches and questions people ask Google about your topic. More video ideas for you!

    Study successful channels. What lighting do they use? How long are their videos? What types of video titles and thumbnails grab your attention? Don’t copy; noting what works for inspiration is key.

    Lurk niche communities. Spend time where your audience hangs out. Facebook Groups, subreddits, Quora, forums. What questions do they ask over and over? What challenges do they need help with? Content gold!

    Analyze competitors. No, really, like cyberstalking them. What tags are they ranking for? What topics get the most views? How can you do it better by learning from them?

    Do the work upfront, and it’ll pay dividends in views, subscribers, and, eventually, that sweet, sweet YouTube money. But now for the fun part.

    Step 3: Zazz Up Your Titles & Thumbnails

    It’s time to slap on our creativity hats and get jazzy with our titles and thumbnails! 

    This is an area where so many channels drop the ball.

    Your title and thumbnail are the first impressions viewers get of your videos in the vicious YouTube landscape. 

    You’ve got about 3 seconds to grab their attention before they bounce.

    No pressure or anything…gulp.

    But the YouTube magic happens when you combine clickable titles and thumbnails with videos around topics people are actively searching for (see Step 2 research).

    Here are my tried-and-true recipe tips for titles and thumbnails that convert:


    Zazz Up Your Titles & Thumbnails

    YouTube Video Titles

    Hook with curiosity – Ask unexpected questions, use “secrets,” “never before seen,” “you won’t believe,” etc.

    Keep it short – Try to keep titles under 65 characters. Concise but compelling always wins.

    Put key info first – Front-load titles with the topic/promise so people immediately know what it’s about.

    YouTube Thumbnails

    Create visual contrast – Bold colors/imagery pops against the muted thumbnails around yours.

    Use recognizable imagery – Include things viewers will immediately associate with your niche to grab their attention.

    Combine excitement + intrigue – Have a hook headline with exciting/surprising visuals to match.

    If you nail this title/thumbnail combo and the video delivers what you promised, you’ll skyrocket above competitors, wasting away in Clickbait Purgatory.

    Step 4: Hook ‘Em & Keep ‘Em

    Most channels can get a click occasionally with a sexy thumbnail and title combo. But actually keeping that viewer watching your full video? Now that takes skill, my friends.

    But when you keep viewers engaged:

    ● Your audience retention metrics improve

    ● YouTube starts recommending your videos more

    ● Viewers will binge more of your content

    ● You’ll accumulate more watch hours toward monetization

    It’s the ultimate win-win-win-win!

    Now, this was an area I struggled with a lot when I first started. I’d hook them with the clickbait, but then they’d leave after 10 seconds once I started blabbing away on camera. Brutal…

    Here are the retention-boosting tactics I used to keep a sizzling 40% audience on my longer videos:

    ● Deliver on promise FAST – Give viewers what they came for within the first 10-30 seconds so they say, “Ah yes, this is what I was promised!”.

     Edit out ALL fluff – Have a tight intro, get right into valuable info, and keep pacing fast by cutting anything extraneous viewers might tune out during.

    ● Use on-screen graphics – B-roll shots are boring but have eye-catching graphics that splash key points on the screen to reinforce and keep attention.

    ● Interact with viewers – Ask questions, polls, and leave blanks for them to fill in. Get them to participate instead of being passive.

    ● End strong – Don’t petter out slowly. End by summarizing key points they need to remember or do after watching. Send them off on a high note!

    Do all this properly, and you’ll have found the elusive YouTube unicorn – viewers that binge your content for hours because they just can’t freak in’ get enough!

    Well, those are my 4 essential tips for getting to 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours based on my years in the YouTube trenches.

    Let's Recap

    1. Pick a niche – Get hyper focused with your content from Day 1. Give viewers what they want consistently.
    2. Research like you’re getting a PhD – Study your audience and competitors so you can leapfrog off their success.
    3. Clickbait titles & thumbnails – Hook viewers in 3 seconds flat by being over the top, controversial, solve pain points.
    4. Engage and retain – Deliver on what you promised fast, so people binge your videos for hours.

    It is possible…just know that it’s a long, hard slog, too. After finally hitting my first 1K subscribers after a year, I actually cried real tears…ugly, messy tears. Of joy, pain, relief!


    But once you hit that milestone, it only snowballs from there faster and faster as the YouTube gods smile upon you.


    So, stick with it, friends! Now get out there, go forth, and create!


    Let’s comment below if you have any other questions.

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