15 Best Weapons in Far Cry 6 Game (Most Thrilling Weapons)

15 Best Weapons in Far Cry 6 Game

As a grizzled Far Cry veteran who has vetoed tyrants from the Himalayas to the South Pacific, I live for that moment when a new iteration of my favorite guerrilla warfare simulator gets unveiled. After plowing through over 50 hours of glorious combat across the tropical paradise of Yara, I’m here to definitively crown the 15 best weapons in Far Cry 6 that you need to unlock to transform into the deadliest guerrilla fighter on the island.

This guide has all the insider tips on the best guns in Far Cry 6, with the most exhilarating playstyles, highest damage outputs, and best attributes to give you an edge over Castillo’s forces. I’ve covered everything from rapid-fire assault rifles to stealthy sniper rifles across all classes. Equip any bad boys, and you’ll have the firepower to rain down mind-blowing destruction from the highest peaks to the lowest valleys of Yara.

Let’s get right to it and break down my picks for the top 15 Best Weapons in Far Cry 6 that will enable the most explosive, overpowered, and incredibly fun playstyles imaginable in your glorious fight for liberation!

Best Weapons in Far Cry 6 (2024)

To annihilate Anton Castillo’s forces, equip yourself with Far Cry 6’s most dominant and thrilling weapons, like the mighty RPG-7 and rapid-firing SSGP-58. Our guide details the supremely lethal Far Cry 6 best guns that will make you an unstoppable guerrilla fighter.

1. SSGP-58 – Best Overall Assault Rifle

When it comes to reliable all-around performance, no assault rifle comes close to the mighty SSGP-58. This bad boy has perfect accuracy and sports above-average ratings in all other attributes like damage, range, handling, mobility, and rate of fire.

SSGP-58 – Best Overall Assault Rifle

It can easily mow down standard soldiers and even shred through helmeted Elites with precise shots to the head, thanks to its serious damage per bullet. I prefer equipping the SSGP-58, one of the Best Weapons in Far Cry 6, with the Compensator, Reflex Sight, Laser Pointer, Gut-Wrencher, and Trigger Discipline mods. This unlocks unbelievable stability and increased body shot damage to annihilate enemies with a never-ending stream of bullets.

The SSGP-58 enables an aggressive run-and-gun playstyle and excels in mid to close-range firefights. Use it to fearlessly take on large groups of foes and even vehicle convoys. It will serve you flawlessly through the final cutscene when Anton collapses into the red dirt before you.

2. La Varita – Most Powerful & Fun Sniper Rifle

While the .50 cal might seem like the ultimate long-range death-dealer on paper, my vote for the most enjoyable sniper is the legendary Resolver rifle La Varita. This beloved sniper of the Libertad features incredible accuracy and firepower with a fun, explosive ammo overclocking ability.

Each shot packs a huge punch, and you’ll have no trouble one-shotting unaware Elites from 200+ meters out. But where La Varita truly shines is its Alternate Fire Mode, which overclocks every bullet to deal awesome AoE explosive damage.

La Varita – Most Powerful Fun Sniper Rifle

Just imagine bashing an attack helicopter pilot with a .50 cal round and then watching the entire whirlybird detonate in a jaw-dropping fireball after your bullet blows up the engine. It’s a riot launching vehicles into orbit with the Alternate Fire explosions! Plus, they create unique environmental destruction every time, like kicking up ash clouds across tobacco fields.

I recommend the Armor Piercing and Telescopic mods to enhance damage and scope zoom further. Find a distant perch, activate overclock, and let La Varita, one of the Far Cry 6 Best Weapons, rain down a salvo of explosive fireworks upon Castillo’s helpless forces.

3. RPG-7 – Essential for Taking Down Vehicles

When heavily armored tanks and helicopters arrive, the go-to weapon for delivering overpowering anti-vehicle firepower is the destructive RPG-7 rocket launcher. Nothing is more satisfying than smacking a transport chopper with a perfectly timed rocket and watching it spiral down in twisted metal and flames.

RPG-7 – Essential for Taking Down Vehicles

The standard RPG deals tremendous damage with good velocity and splash range. I always keep the RPG, one of the best guns in Far Cry 6, equipped solely for weaponizing Dani against enemy vehicles. Make sure to use the mods Nimble Shooter for added movement speed while aiming down sights and Gunslinger to enable faster draw/holster speed.

The ammo is limited, but the power behind each rocket cannot be overstated. Just be careful not to blow yourself up in close quarters! The RPG can level an entire plantation mansion into splinters in seconds.

4. RPD – Best LMG for Destroying Groups

The RPD light machine gun, aka Rambo’s official weapon of choice, lays down a blistering hailstorm of full metal jacket fury perfect for overwhelming groups of foes in seconds.

This LMG sports excellent accuracy and high damage paired with a mountainous ammo supply in the drum magazine. Keep your trigger finger squeezed down and watch scores of soldiers get shredded to pieces under the RPD’s endless ammunition and precise fire.

RPD – Best LMG for Destroying Groups

I love equipping the RPD, one of the best guns in Far Cry 6, with attachments like the RPG-7 launcher when tackling larger bases. The combination of explosive rockets and rampant machine gun chaos unleashes bedlam upon your foes!

Use it to pin down snipers while your fellow guerrillas advance position or mow down special forces operatives as they rappel from helicopters. The RPD will serve you faithfully in all-out assaults when you need to clear out entire squads single-handedly.

5. SKS – Ideal Semi-Auto Rifle for Precision Shooting

The SKS is one of my favorite semi-automatic rifles due to its extremely precise fire. This rifle sports maxed-out stats in handling, accuracy, and fire rate with high damage, making it perfect for landing tightly clustered headshots with minimal effort.

SKS – Ideal Semi-Auto Rifle for Precision Shooting

Despite the smaller 10-round magazine, you barely need more than 3 shots to drop any standard foe. I enjoy running the SKS, one of the Far Cry 6 best sniper rifle, with a suppressor and MK.2 sniper scope paired with mods like Armor Piercing ammo and Extra Safety. The mods decrease bullet spread, allowing easy, rapid-fire single taps to clear out entire stealth outposts without detection.

Overall, it is an excellent semi-auto rifle with damage and stealth stats similar to a sniper; just be sure to make your shots count due to the limited magazine capacity.

6. Desert Eagle – Most Powerful Handgun

When size does matter, pull out Far Cry’s hardest-hitting handgun, the almighty Desert Eagle, one of the best weapons in Far Cry 6. This iconic monster pistol looks ultra slick in Dani’s hand and backs up its appearance with a .50 cal round punch in every trigger pull.

Desert Eagle – Most Powerful Handgun

I often keep the Eagle holstered as a reliable backup when things get hairy in close quarters. The insane stopping power will drop any FND soldier with a single chest shot, making it perfect for emergencies.

Despite firing the heaviest pistol ammo in the game, the recoil remains manageable, even spamming shots from the hip. For even more accuracy, equip the extended barrel for enhanced damage range and throw on the mini reflex sight.

Overall, it is an insanely powerful and enjoyable hand cannon no true guerrilla revolutionary’s loadout should be without!

7. SPAS-12 – Ultimate Automatic Shotgun

Unquestionably, the most devastating fully automatic shotgun in Far Cry 6 for obliterating enemies at close range is the rapid-firing SPAS-12.

This menacing scattergun can churn out a frightening 6 rounds per second, making it incredibly ammo efficient. Unless you’re facing a Special Forces helmet, most standard troops will get decommissioned after just 1-2 pulls of the trigger.

SPAS-12 – Ultimate Automatic Shotgun

When the action gets heavy, I prefer running Gunslinger and Swap Speed mods to enable quick swapping to the SPAS, one of the Far Cry 6 best guns. Nothing is more exhilarating than swapping to the SPAS and hip-firing off 8 rounds before an enemy can even react as you charge their position guns blazing!

This high-octane weapon excels when you must dish out a tsunami of lead in chaotic close quarters. If you love run-and-gun gameplay, the SPAS-12 will quickly become one of your favorite boomsticks in Far Cry 6!

8. M-79 – Most Enjoyable Grenade Launcher

Few video game joys are more satisfying than scoring a perfect arc shot grenade launcher kill in Far Cry. Thanks to its simplistic iron sights and very forgiving projectile velocity, the M79 breech-loading grenade launcher emerges as my explosive weapon for raining down 40mm havoc from all distances and angles.

M-79 – Most Enjoyable Grenade Launcher

With 6 rounds per reload, you can hammer groups of enemies with a barrage of high-explosive grenades in seconds. I prefer firing the M79 from elevation positions and aiming for tightly packed groups near explosive chemical supplies or vehicles to maximize the chained explosion chaos!

Also excellent for taking down aerial targets like helicopters to score awesome mid-air detonations. Be sure to lead your shots properly on distant fast movers. Overall, it is an utterly enjoyable weapon for dealing with relentless AoE damage.

9. RAT4 – Most Powerful Assault Rifle

When you absolutely, positively need to unleash a swarm of lead like a mini-gun…enter the RAT4 with its nearly 1,200 bullets per minute cyclic rate. This menacing assault rifle can spit bullets faster than a Formula 1 pit crew.

Despite high recoil, with some mod tweaks and practice controlling the RAT4’s vicious muzzle rise, you can attain mid-range accuracy akin to other rifles. The sheer bullet output will overwhelm nearly anything in seconds, especially paired with large drum mags.

RAT4 – Most Powerful Assault Rifle

I love sweeping Ricardo bases at close range and watching the RAT4, one of the Far Cry 6 best sniper rifles, tear through concrete barricades and stockpiles of explosive tanks in seconds! The fire rate and bullet velocity even make it possible to ignite the leaks and score cook-off detonations mid-spray.

Trigger discipline is key, however, as you will burn through ammo reserves rapidly. But for pure, overwhelming bullet output at a bargain cost, the RAT4 definitely takes pole position.

10. .50 Cal – Long-Range Sniper Supreme

The undisputed heavyweight hitman of the long-range sniper world. No list of dominating video game weaponry is complete without the mighty .50 cal anti-materiel rifle. This iconic bolt-action cannon delivers the greatest per-bullet damage of any Far Cry 6 gun, guaranteeing extremely long-range kills with minimal effort.

.50 Cal – Long-Range Sniper Supreme

I love parking atop isolated guard towers under the canopy of night and picking off explosive barrels or vehicle gas tanks hundreds of meters out with the .50 cal’s explosive rounds to score epic chain detonations across Castillo strongholds.

The penetrating rounds paired with a ballistic advantage from elevation
makes you virtually untouchable while enabling the ability to wipe out entire squads with just a few pulls of the trigger.

As any grizzled guerrilla warfare veteran understands…he who commands the high ground with a .50 cal, one of the best guns in Far Cry 6, reigns supreme over the battlefield.

11. MP34 – Best SMG

In the world of rapid-firing submachine guns, the MP34 rises over the competition thanks to its balanced stats, making it ultra-reliable in close quarters.

This SMG sports above-average accuracy and damage paired with a large 50-round magazine. The swift fire rate enables dropping multiple enemies fast without needing to reload. I suggest attachments like the oscillating laser pointer for enhanced hip fire and extended mag push it to 75 rounds so you can just hold down the trigger and clear out entire buildings.

MP34 – Best SMG

It may lack the blistering bullet output of the RAT4, but the MP34, one of the best weapons in Far Cry 6, makes up for it with stability and plenty of ammo to shred armored vehicles in seconds, too. Overall, it’s just an exceptionally well-rounded SMG perfect for guerrilla fighters favoring up-close and personal playstyles.

12. MBP .50 – Best Single Shot Sniper Rifle

The ultimate 1-shot kill sniper for landing perfect headshots at extreme distances is the masterfully balanced MBP .50 cal bolt action rifle, one of the Far Cry 6 best sniper rifles.

This stealthy long gun boasts maxed-out velocity for ensuring your bullets impact exactly where aimed, even on moving targets at 400+ meters, paired with the highest damage rating in its weapon class. As any SpecOps sharpshooter understands, velocity is king when making 1,000+ meter shots.

MBP .50 – Best Single Shot Sniper Rifle

I prefer rolling silencers, extended magazines for follow-up shots, sniper scopes, and bipods for enhanced stability at long ranges. Find an isolated cliffside overlook and pick off explosive barrels or suicide vest soldiers to score epic chain reaction kills on multiple targets per shot.

If you have flawless aim and patience, the MBP .50 will serve you incredibly against even the most imposing, heavily armored Elites.

13. Micro SMG – Best Fully Automatic Pistol

For the most versatile fully automatic pistol with a perfect balance of mobility, ammo capacity, and close-quarters firepower, look no further than the Micro SMG.

Despite its size, this tiny Uzi doppelganger sports excellent accuracy and above-average damage output, and it can drop standard foes surprisingly quickly. Carrying an ample 40-round magazine with good range for a pistol, the Micro SMG excels as a backup weapon or when needing to maintain mobility in hectic firefights.

Micro SMG – Best Fully Automatic Pistol

I suggest pairing the Micro SMG with hip fire-enhancing attachments like lasers/flashlights, making it ideal for sprinting across bases’ hips and firing soldiers like an action movie hero!

Overall, it is an incredibly fun and portable bullet hose perfect for guerrillas constantly on the move.

14. AJM9 – Most Powerful Machine Pistol

Boasting the fastest rate of fire of any pistol, the AJM9 machine pistol can spit out an incredible 1,100 rounds per minute, allowing Dani to wield the power of a submachine gun in sidearm form.

Despite the ferocious recoil requiring strong mitigation mods, the AJM9 destroys at point-blank range and is able to neutralize standard opponents in 1-2 bullets, making ammo extremely efficient.

AJM9 – Most Powerful Machine Pistol

I rely on the AJM9, one of the best weapons in Far Cry 6, as my backup weapon when tackling infiltration missions needing to maintain a compact profile. The combination of blistering fire rate and high mobility is extremely advantageous against the Special Forces raid teams swarming your position after alarms trigger.

Additionally, the AJM9, in many ways, serves as the pistol equivalent of the Vector SMG in bullet output and hip fire accuracy, making it equally viable as a primary CQB shredder.

15. Flamethrower - Most Sadistic Weapon

No list of Far Cry’s most brutally enjoyable weapons would be complete without mentioning the savage fury that is the Flamethrower, aka El Tostador.

This barbaric instrument of cruelty enables delivering agonizing death by fire across a staggering range. Beyond immolating flesh, the flames ignite and detonate vehicles and explosive supplies for added pyrotechnic effects.

Flamethrower - Most Sadistic Weapon

I enjoy nothing more than unleashing the flamethrower’s hellish blaze, one of the best guns in Far Cry 6, upon giant fields of tobacco or coca plants and watching entire crop infrastructures get reduced to ashes in minutes.

The psychological impact upon enemies is also immense when they witness their comrades transform into human bonfires by your cruel nozzle.

Wrapping Up

And that wraps up my picks for the 15 Best Weapons in Far Cry 6, the most overpowered and grin-inducing weapons you can get your trigger finger.

I hope this breakdown gives you the insider tips to equip an arsenal worthy of transforming Dani into the most unstoppable guerrilla fighter Yara has ever seen. Whether you crave unleashing endless bullet storms up close with the RPD or smiting foes from afar with La Varita’s explosive rounds, these guns enable the most exhilarating playstyles imaginable.

Now get out there, wreak reckless havoc across Yara’s diverse biomes, and give Anton’s forces a not-so-warm Libertad welcome! Ammo boxes await – it’s time to ignite revolution!

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