25 Famous Names of Churches in USA [Updated 2024]


From coast to coast, the United States is home to countless churches that have earned their place in history. These houses of worship come in all shapes and sizes, but some have made a name for themselves through their architecture, history, or famous congregants.

As we explore some of the country’s most storied places of faith, we can’t help but feel a sense of awe. The care and craftsmanship that went into constructing these striking buildings are inspiring.

Their longevity is a testament to their physical beauty and the power of the spiritual communities that call these churches home.

Whether they catch your eye driving down the highway or light up a city block with their impressive steeples, these 25 names of Churches in USA give us plenty of reasons to celebrate our nation’s rich religious heritage.

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    Most Popular Names of Churches in USA

    Spanning denominations, America’s best-loved churches captivate us with their history, community outreach, iconic architecture, and famous members, blending physical beauty with spiritual enrichment.

    Check out these 25 USA Church Names:

    1. Lakewood Church

    Location Houston, TX
    Pastor Joel Osteen
    Average weekly attendance 43,500
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Lakewood Church

    When your services fill what was once a professional basketball arena, it’s safe to say you have a megachurch on your hands. Such is the case with Houston’s impressive Lakewood Church, one of the most famous names of churches in USA, which draws over 40,000 attendees each week to its former Compaq Center location.

    With a budget topping $90 million annually and an estimated 10 million more tuning into live streams, Lakewood and its charismatic Pastor Joel Osteen have clearly found an uplifting message that resonates loudly with people across the nation. Lakewood’s scale may be immense, but its message connects with worshippers on a personal level.

    2. North Point Community Church

    Location Alpharetta, GA
    Pastor Andy Stanley
    Average weekly attendance 30,629
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    North Point Community Church

    Since bursting onto the scene in 1995, North Point Community Church has cemented itself as one of America’s foremost Christian congregations. Founded by the renowned Pastor Andy Stanley, North Point now draws over 30,000 weekly attendees to its various Atlanta-area locations.

    Beyond its local roots, North Point spreads inspiration through every major digital platform – podcasts, social media, apps, and more.

    This tech-savvy, ever-growing church aptly reflects its vibrant home city while connecting with a global audience hungry for North Point’s uplifting message of faith. Modern yet welcoming, North Point is leading the way for 21st-century houses of worship.

    3. Life.Church

    Location Edmond, OK
    Pastor Craig Groeschel
    Average weekly attendance 30,000
    Denomination Evangelical Covenant

    From humble beginnings in a garage to over two dozen thriving campuses across 10 states, Life.Church is one of the most famous names of churches in USA and a testament to the power of faith and outreach. Guided by Pastor Craig Groeschel since 1996, Life.Church now draws 30,000 passionate worshippers each week – in addition to millions more reached through every digital medium imaginable.

    Groeschel’s uplifting books and podcasts, inventive use of social media, and embrace of broadcasting and streaming help Life.Church connects with people wherever they are. This welcoming community uses technology to spread a timeless message of hope and inspiration beyond church walls.

    4. Gateway Church

    Location Southlake, TX
    Pastor Robert Morris
    Average weekly attendance 28,000
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Gateway Church

    Since Robert Morris established Gateway Church in 2000, this vibrant nondenominational community has become one of the fastest-growing congregations nationwide. Drawing over 28,000 attendees across Texas each week, Gateway also ministers internationally via TV, radio broadcasts, and even a dedicated prison ministry.

    Regardless of background, Gateway welcomes all through its doors and airwaves. By combining heartfelt faith with modern technology, Pastor Morris and his charismatic leadership team spread Gateway’s message of inspiration and hope far beyond any physical location. This rapidly expanding church prompts us to reflect on our universal needs.

    5. Willow Creek Community Church

    Location South Barrington, IL
    Pastor Bill Hybels
    Average weekly attendance 25,743
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Willow Creek Community Church

    As the pioneer of the seeker-sensitive movement, Willow Creek Community Church, one of America’s most famous church names, was once one of America’s largest congregations. Sadly, founding Pastor Bill Hybels’ 2018 resignation amidst credible misconduct allegations has precipitated turmoil and declining attendance across Willow Creek’s eight Chicago-area locations.

    While heartbreaking for a once-thriving community, Willow Creek’s response shows accountability and a willingness to learn from even the gravest crises. As the church works to regain trust and heal, we are reminded that with humility and faith, redemption remains possible. Though the path forward may be arduous, Willow Creek’s essential mission endures.

    6. Fellowship Church

    Location Grapevine, TX
    Pastor Ed Young
    Average weekly attendance 24,162
    Denomination Southern Baptist Convention
    Fellowship Church

    From its home base in Grapevine to nine thriving satellite locations, Fellowship Church welcomes over 24,000 worshippers each week with its call to “forget everything you thought about church.” Guided by Pastor Ed Young, son of another famed revitalizer, Fellowship combines tradition with innovation through familiar offerings like counseling groups alongside attention-grabbing books and websites.

    While some decry Fellowship’s flashier style, none can deny its appeal, particularly among younger demographics. Ultimately, Fellowship’s success suggests churches can honor timeless truths while adapting their methods to be relevant across generations.

    7. Christ’s Church of the Valley

    Location Peoria, AZ
    Pastor Don Wilson
    Average weekly attendance 23,395
    Denomination Independent Christian Churches or unspecified
    Christ’s Church of the Valley

    What started as informal gatherings in a living room has flourished into one of America’s most sizeable congregations. Founded in 1982 by Pastor Don WilsonChrist’s Church of the Valley, one of the largest American churches, now draws over 23,000 worshippers across ten Arizona locations each week. Since Wilson’s 2017 retirement, the church has continued thriving under the passionate leadership of successor Ashley Wooldridge.

    This transfer of authority highlights the personal connections vital to Christ’s Church of the Valley since its earliest home-based meetings. Though the scale is vast, this welcoming American church community stays true to its intimate roots as it brings uplifting ministry to worshippers across the region and beyond.

    8. NewSpring Church

    Location Anderson, SC
    Pastor Brad Cooper
    Average weekly attendance 23,055
    Denomination Baptist (unspecified)
    NewSpring Church

    As the largest religious community in South Carolina, NewSpring Church is transforming faith across 14 campuses each Sunday for over 23,000 passionate worshippers. While difficult times have confronted NewSpring – from Pastor Perry Noble’s firing to horrific abuse by a volunteer – adversity only reveals true character.

    Despite deep wounds, NewSpring continues to serve the surrounding communities through struggle and healing. This resolve speaks to the sincerity of NewSpring’s message: imperfect people can build stronger bonds through empathy, courage, and renewal in their shared faith. Dark days come, yet NewSpring persists in spreading light.

    9. Elevation Church

    Location Matthews, NC
    Pastor Steven Furtick
    Average weekly attendance 22,200
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Elevation Church

    Blending the excitement of arena rock shows with a stirring faith message, Elevation Church, one of the most vibrant American churches, delivers a worship experience that uniquely captures this cultural moment. Driven by the dynamic vision of founder Steven Furtick, Elevation draws over 20,000 energized congregants across North Carolina each week.

    From the praise band rocking out on stage to merch tables packed with branded swag, Elevation’s services feel more like the next big concert tour than traditional Sunday worship. While the methods may be unconventional, the community fostered speaks to Elevation’s core purpose – uplifting hearts, mentoring minds, and lifting spirits through the joy of the Gospel.

    10. Church of the Highlands

    Location Birmingham, AL
    Pastor Chris Hodges
    Average weekly attendance 22,184
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Church of the Highlands

    From gathering in a high school auditorium to becoming Alabama’s largest faith community, the Church of the Highlands exponential growth echoes its uplifting message of boundless potential. Guided by Pastor Chris Hodges since 2001, Highlands now draws over 22,000 worshippers to 20-plus campuses across the region and online each week.

    Alongside vibrant worship services centered around biblical teachings, Highlands facilitates spiritual growth through initiatives like its increasingly prominent Highlands College ministry training program. Highlands fosters an ever-growing, increasingly interconnected community united through faith by meeting people where they are.

    11. Saddleback Church

    Location Lake Forest, CA
    Pastor Rick Warren
    Average weekly attendance 22,055
    Denomination Southern Baptist Convention
    Saddleback Church

    Shepherded by renowned Pastor Rick Warren since 1980, Lake Forest’s Saddleback Church has blossomed into one of America’s foremost Baptist congregations and most influential American churches, with over 22,000 weekly worshippers. While rooted in Orange County across 19 vibrant regional campuses, Saddleback also ministers globally in Asia, Europe, and beyond.

    Completing the far-reaching ministry, Pastor Warren’s immense social media presence keeps him connected to followers worldwide. This expansive American church community reveals how unconditional compassion transcends any divide. Regardless of location or background, Saddleback uplifts spirits through an inclusive message.

    12. Southeast Christian Church

    Location Louisville, KY
    Pastor Dave Stone
    Average weekly attendance 21,764
    Denomination Independent Christian Churches or unspecified
    Southeast Christian Church

    From gathering just 53 members at its start in 1962 to now welcoming over 20,000 each week, Southeast Christian Church is a testament to the power of faith to grow and connect communities. Guided by Pastor Dave Stone across seven Kentucky locations and one Indiana campus, Southeast spreads inspiration far beyond its regional homes through broadcasts, streaming, and publications.

    Yet, for all its technological reach, this thriving church stays grounded by facilitating personal spiritual growth through recreational activities and intimate ministry groups. Though vast in scope, Southeast nurtures its members one soul at a time.

    13. Central Christian Church

    Location Henderson, NV
    Pastor Jud Wilhite
    Average weekly attendance 21,055
    Denomination Independent Christian Churches or unspecified
    Central Christian Church

    Central Christian Church, one of America’s most inclusive American churches, stands out in an isolating world by embracing all struggling souls with its rallying refrain that “it’s okay to not be okay.” Shepherded by Pastor Jud Wilhite across five Nevada locations and global satellite campuses, Central’s message of radical inclusivity and compassion resonates loudly.

    Central employs every technology imaginable, from broadcasts to podcasts to vibrant social media, to foster human connections. Though methods may vary, the mission persists: this is a place for imperfect people to bond through the shared grace of an unconditional God who meets them wherever they are.

    14. Dream City Church

    Location Phoenix, AZ
    Pastor Tommy & Luke Barnett
    Average weekly attendance 21,000
    Denomination Assemblies of God
    Dream City Church

    From its 1923 tent revival origins to present-day multimedia extravaganzas across seven thriving campuses, Phoenix’s Dream City Church has stayed on the creative cutting-edge for nearly a century. Guiding this Assemblies of God congregation since 1979, Pastor Tommy & Barnett pioneered illustrated sermons and theatrical productions, traditions now carried on by co-Pastor and son Luke.

    Weekly welcoming over 20,000 congregants statewide, Dream City leverages arts and technology to deepen engagement with the Gospel. Innovative delivery renews meaning for new generations seeking spiritual truths when the message never changes.

    15. Second Baptist Church

    Location Houston, TX
    Pastor H. Edwin Young
    Average weekly attendance 20,656
    Denomination Southern Baptist Convention
    Second Baptist Church

    An anchor of Houston spirituality since 1927 and one of the most influential USA church names, Second Baptist Church spans six thriving regional campuses while claiming over 80,000 devoted members. Shepherded by Dr. Ed Young’s steadfast leadership for over four prolific decades, Second Baptist has long spread its message near and far through broadcasts and timely adoption of emerging technologies.

    This pioneering American church cultivated the ministries of spiritual successors like Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church and laid the foundations for future faith leaders. Come Sunday, 20,000 voices unite to honor Second Baptist’s living legacy.

    16. Christ Fellowship

    Location Palm Beach Gardens, FL
    Pastor Todd Mullins
    Average weekly attendance 18,965
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Christ Fellowship

    Christ Fellowship confirms that spiritual movements often start on small scales before blossoming into something far grander. Beginning with 40 acquaintances gathering in Pastors Todd and Julie Mullins’ living room in 1984, Christ Fellowship now shepherds almost 19,000 devotees across vibrant satellite campuses and online communities.

    This ever-growing Fellowship promotes deeper engagement with biblical teachings across languages and technologies through study materials, broadcasts, and an embrace of social media. While scales may shift, the open-hearted seeds planted in that first humble room continue to bloom.

    17. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

    Location Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Pastor Doug Sauder
    Average weekly attendance 18,521
    Denomination Calvary Churches
    Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale

    With volunteerism and outreach guiding principles across nine South Florida campuses, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, one of the most prominent USA church names, approaches faith as an active practice grounded in real human connections. Shepherded by Pastor Doug SauderCalvary Chapel’s 18,500 weekly congregants contribute through worship and serving surrounding communities.

    Calvary Chapel brings its message to ever-wider circles through broadcast ministries and smartphone apps. In tying faith directly to concrete actions, Calvary Chapel reminds us that spiritual growth depends on bettering life for our neighbors.

    18. Woodlands Church

    Location The Woodlands, TX
    Pastor Kerry and Chris Shook
    Average weekly attendance 18,385
    Denomination Southern Baptist Convention
    Woodlands Church

    Shepherded by founding Pastors Kerry and Chris Shook since 1993, The Woodlands Church welcomes over 18,000 congregants weekly across three Texas campuses and virtual gatherings. Through uplifting music and messages tailored to modern families, The Woodlands builds an intimate sense of community even as audiences expand globally.

    Community service initiatives like WC Trading Co. reflect The Woodlands’ mission to spread the faith through compassionate action. While specific programs may evolve, The Woodlands continues using spiritual teachings to foster positive change – from worship halls to impoverished regions worldwide.

    19. Eagle Brook Church

    Location Centerville, MN
    Pastor Bob Merritt
    Average weekly attendance 17,091
    Denomination Baptist General Conference
    Eagle Brook Church

    As a long-standing pillar of Minnesota spirituality since the 1940s and one of the most well-known names of churches in USA, Eagle Brook Church has stayed relevant across generations under the passionate leadership of Pastor Bob Merritt these past 28 years. Even as Merritt prepares to pass the torch in 2020, the future shines bright for his congregation of over 17,000 weekly worshippers, thanks to incoming Teaching Pastor Jason Strand.

    This smooth changing of the guard reflects Eagle Brook’s adaptability and vitality amidst cultural shifts. United by faith and service, this community continues going strong across nine campuses – and counting.

    20. Christ the King Community Church

    Location Burlington, WA
    Pastor Dave Browning
    Average weekly attendance 17,000
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Christ the King Community Church

    As the Pacific Northwest’s largest megachurch, Washington-based Christ the King Community Church spreads inspiration from its home region to over a dozen satellite campuses nationwide. Led by Pastor Dave Browning since its founding, Christ the King fosters spiritual growth through authentic worship grounded in grace and empowerment.

    With inclusion and service as guiding virtues, this 17,000-member congregation reaches new hearts by prioritizing outreach and individual discipleship. Though vast in scope, Christ the King tends to souls through a message that resonates across communities – attesting to the universal power of faith.

    21. Cornerstone Church

    Location San Antonio, TX
    Pastor John Hagee
    Average weekly attendance 17,000
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Cornerstone Church

    As one of America’s foremost independent congregations and most influential American churches, Cornerstone Church draws over 17,000 passionate worshippers weekly under the fiery leadership of founding Pastor John C. Hagee. Now joined by his son and lead pastor Matt Hagee, Cornerstone spans generations while broadcasting across continents.

    Though criticized by some for Pastor Hagee’s overt political messaging, none can deny Cornerstone’s appeal, with membership topping 22,000 devoted followers. For communities seeking a ministry addressing modern issues, Cornerstone stands among the boldest faith leaders across the American spiritual landscape.

    22. Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque

    Location Albuquerque, NM
    Pastor Skip Heitzig
    Average weekly attendance 16,830
    Denomination Calvary Churches
    Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque

    Shepherding over 16,800 worshippers today, Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque’s Pastor Skip Heitzig knows transformed lives firsthand. In charting his faith journey from counterculture to Billy Graham devotee, Heitzig found his calling to foster spiritual growth from humble home gatherings into one of America’s fastest-expanding congregations.

    Beyond services, Calvary Chapel provides abundant outreach opportunities online and overseas. For seekers of all backgrounds, Calvary Chapel stands among the nation’s most uplifting testaments to the power of divine grace if we but open our hearts. As one of the famous names of churches in USA, Calvary Chapel impacts many.

    23. Crossroads

    Location Cincinnati, OH
    Pastor Brian Tome
    Average weekly attendance 16,792
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    Crossroads Church

    Cultivating spiritual homes for the religion-wary since 1995, Ohio’s Crossroads Church now nurtures over 16,000 worshippers weekly across dozens of campuses. Led by Pastor Brian Tome’s “unfiltered talk,” Crossroads promises biblical truths connected directly to modern lives – all with a come-as-you-are warmth.

    This vibrant church leverages multimedia and authentic fellowship tailored for the evolving faithful, from articles and podcasts covering culture to in-person services with rocking bands. As one of the most well-known names of churches in USA, Crossroads speaks to spiritual seekers wherever they are while its soul persists.

    24. McLean Bible Church

    Location McLean, VA
    Pastor Lon Solomon
    Average weekly attendance 16,500
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    McLean Bible Church

    With five thriving Washington D.C. area campuses and over 16,500 weekly attendees, McLean Bible Church lives out spiritual teachings through compassionate local outreach. From anti-trafficking initiatives to job counseling for those in need, McLean mobilizes passionate volunteers in traditional and tech-based roles.

    Whether raising voices in song or hands in service, McLean’s welcoming community answers Higher callings in their backyard and beyond. McLean Bible Church fosters genuine connections in an age of growing isolation – honoring their faith by lifting up their neighbors. As one of the most prominent USA church names, McLean impacts lives throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

    25. The Potter’s House

    Location Dallas, TX
    Pastor T. D. Jakes
    Average weekly attendance 16,140
    Denomination Independent, Nondenominational
    The Potter’s House

    Guiding over 16,000 members across five states, the pioneering Potter’s House ministries founded by Pastor T.D. Jakes continue impacting lives. Beyond the Dallas headquarters, this vibrant American church community unites worshippers in person and online via live streams, special events, and an immense social media presence.

    Motivated by faith in action, Potter’s House facilitates practical spiritual growth through addiction recovery programs and career assistance initiatives community-wide. Uplifting and ever-expanding, Potter’s House reminds us that when grounded in empathy, outreach, and service, even the largest spiritual missions retain their power to transform individual lives.

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