Snapchat Plus Planets Meanings Explained Order Wise (2024)


Snapchat has cemented itself as the quintessential social media app for Generation Z, no doubt about it! With its fun filters, disappearing messages, and now Snapchat Plus upgrades that allow you to customize your experience even further, there’s a reason it remains teens’ platform of choice. And Snap’s latest feature, called the Snapchat Friend Solar System, is about to make connecting on the app way more playful.

With Snapchat Plus’s new planets feature, your best friends are assigned cosmic bodies like Venus or Jupiter that appear alongside their names and Bitmojis.

But what do these planets actually mean?

And does their order signify how close you are to certain friends?

We’re decoding all things Snapchat planets in this lighthearted guide. By the end, you’ll understand the new Snapchat solar system inside and out – from why your BFF is probably a Sun to what it means if your crush is only Mercury.

Let’s explore!

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    What is Snapchat Friend Solar System?

    Well, calling it a “solar system” is a playful twist by the Snapchat team. But this new Snapchat Plus feature assigns planets to your closest friends on the app – making you the center of your social media universe!

    As the Sun in your Friend Solar System, you’re orbited by planets representing your top Snapchat besties. The planets’ order is determined by who you interact with most, just like the distance between celestial bodies depends on gravitational pull.

    So your Numero Uno friend earns the title “Mercury” by snapping and streaking with you the most often. The next pal you exchange the highest volume of snaps with is Venus, followed by Earth, and so on, the eighth planet from the Sun (aka you). Pretty nifty way to visualize your inner Snapchat circle if you ask me! It almost makes you feel famous with planets named after your clique.

    Snapchat Plus Planets with Meaning (2024)

    Alright, it’s time for a crash course in celestial Snapchat! The planets in your social media solar system correspond exactly to the IRL order – starting with speedy Mercury and ending with far-out Neptune. Their positions are determined by who you chat with most frequently, just like gravitational laws govern actual cosmic bodies.

    So, your Numero Uno BFF earns the Mercury emoji 🤳🏻 by snapping you back quicker than anyone. Your second bestie is Venus ♀️ since your exchanges are almost as tight. The next friend in your Snap sphere is Earth 🌎, followed by Mars ♂️, Jupiter 🚀, and so on. The one who orbits farthest out, like cold n’ lonely Neptune 💧, represents your 8th closest pal. But don’t worry – Pluto may have gotten demoted in our galaxy, but there’s no judgment between friends! Every planet plays a special role in your Snapchat universe. Let’s see them individually.


    Mercury kicks off the Snapchat solar system lineup by zipping around the Sun in record time! This fiery fast planet represents your all-time bestie on the app – AKA the amigo who holds the top spot in your heart and your Snapstreaks.


    When you tap into your Friend Solar System, you’ll see the Mercury emoji 🤳🏻, a cute little red planet encircled by five vibrant hearts ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Considering Mercury orbits the Sun in just 88 days, it’s the perfect match for the #1 friend whose rapid snaps and texts brighten your day in a flash! 

    Your Mercury soulmate basically can’t go a few hours without messaging you…if they did, the laws of social physics say they couldn’t maintain their speedy inner planet status! But something tells me you wouldn’t let your nearest and dearest drift too far anyway. 😉


    Ah, Venus…the original planet of love and beauty. So, it’s only fitting Venus represents your second closest friend on Snapchat – the cherished confidante you adore chatting with almost as much as your #1 Mercury mate.


    Swipe into your Friend’s Solar System, and you’ll spy Venus: a darling light brown orb with yellow, pink, and blue hearts 💛💖💙 bobbling around like orbiting moons. Like the true Venus encircles the Sun in 225 days, your BFF, designated as this bright planet, maintains your second-highest Snapstreak by constantly keeping the convo alive.

    You two have so many inside jokes, shared memories, and late-night talks under your belt. While your Mercury soulmate may edge out Venus a bit, this friend still occupies a supreme spot in your social media sphere. Soak up the cosmic vibes and love every minute you and your Venus bestie spend catching up!


    At lucky number three, planet Earth 🌎 is the cosmic match for your third closest friend on Snapchat. One peek at your Friend’s Solar System reveals good ol’ Earth looking like the real deal – complete with blue seas, green lands, and a cute little moon circling overhead.


    The red hearts drifting around it symbolize the consistent snappy love and late-night text sessions you two share. You and your Earth bestie are so in sync; you have a little world together!

    Sure, your Mercury and Venus friends may eclipse Earth’s orbit slightly, but this pal still holds a top-tier spot in your social media galaxy. You can confide in them about anything, from venting about family drama to gushing about your latest crush. Consider them your rock in life, just like…well, actual Earth rocks in space!


    Blasting in at #4 is fiery Mars, heating things up as the symbol for your fourth-best Snapchat bud! One glimpse at the Friend Solar System shows a red-hot Mars with cute stars and deep purple and blue hearts floating around it.


    This passionate planet was an obvious choice for your equally fiery fourth favorite friend. You and your Mars amigo are all about keeping it real – you cheer each other on when conquering goals, hear each other vent when struggling, and share endless laughs or late-night convos in between.

    While your top three pals may edge out Mars in Snapstreak stats, the rich friendship you’ve built in this space is just as vital. So raise a virtual glass 🍾🥂to your social media, Mars mate! Here’s to keeping your spirits ignited and stellar bond intact, no matter which corner of space (or life) you two roam!


    Flying into the fifth planet position is mighty Jupiter, the largest planet celebrated for its epic storms. And your Snapchat bestie, symbolized by this gas giant, is bound to stir things up in the best possible way!


    Tap Jupiter’s icon to find a beautifully bold, reddish-orange world with ribbony dark orange stripes wrapping horizontally around it. Dotting the scene are tiny white stars drifting along Jupiter’s orbit – just as fun memes, hilarious videos, and uplifting quotes orbit your fifth favorite friend’s spirited conversations.

    You two may not have an every second-of-every-day text rapport, but the laughs, memories, and positive vibes you share are awesome. So the next time Jupiter’s storms are brewing in your Snap sphere, know one of your most fun, loyal allies are on the horizon! 🌪️


    Cruising into sixth place is the majestic ringed wonder known as Saturn. Circling your social orbit at the same position is your equally awe-inspiring sixth top Snapchat company!


    At first glance, their icon resembles the real deal: a dazzling deep orange globe with unmistakable icy rings spanning out, plus glistening stars that wink like shards of light dancing across Saturn’s surface. You and your Saturn BFF share a steadfast bond that, while slightly less active than Jupiter or Mars, features an unbreakable trust, genuine compassion, and a mutual desire to see one another shine bright.

    So, whenever Saturn’s orbit rolls your way, know a timeless and caring connection awaits on the other end. Once your friendship could rightly be called off…wait for it…legendary proportions. 😉👌


    Out here orbiting as lucky, #7 is good ‘ole Uranus! Trust the Snapchat developers to rep their seventh planet pick with a quirky sense of humor. 😜 One tap reveals an emerald green orb floating solo in space – no hearts, no frills. Which makes total sense for the friend symbolized by this eccentric outer giant.


    You and your Uranus BFF tend to communicate more sporadically than your inner circle crew. Sometimes, weeks slip by between catch-ups. But when you finally align schedules again for a digital pow-wow? Pure magic unfolds. Your conversations effortlessly pick up like no time has passed at all.

    From roaring with laughter at shared inside jokes to lending an empathetic ear during vent sessions, your connection continuously surprises in the best way. Absence makes the heart grow fonder regarding your beloved Uranus mate!


    And last in the cosmic lineup, but certainly not least in your friendly orbit, is mysterious Neptune! This hazy sapphire sphere signifies your 8th best buddy in the Snapchat universe. And just like the real deal, Ice Giant Neptune is pretty lonely out there on the edges of the solar system without neighboring planets.


    But that makes your far-flung friendship all the more special! You and your Neptune pal may go long stretches without chatting. Life seems to get in the way and pull you in opposite directions. But when your orbits cross paths again – usually out of the blue – it’s like no time has passed!

    Without fail, you effortlessly pick up where you left off. So, while Neptune, the planet, may be cold and desolate, your bond with Neptune in your social sphere radiates enough warmth and light to rival the Sun itself! 🌞💫

    What is the mechanism behind Snapchat’s Friend Solar System feature?

    Let’s quickly decode how this planetary bestie system works its magic, shall we?

    First, you need an active Snapchat Plus subscription if you want the full universe experience. 

    Once signed up, start peeping at friends’ profiles for special badges – either “Best Friends” or “Friends” with little gold outlines.

    What is the mechanism behind Snapchat’s Friend Solar System feature

    Best Friends = you two share top-tier BFF status.

    Friends = they consider YOU stellar, but the feeling ain’t publicly mutual.

    Tap either badge, though, and ta-da!️ Your specific planet pops up, unveiling where you rank in their social solar system! 

    The planet itself signifies how close you are: inner spheres like Mercury and Venus = top chat priority, distant Neptune and Uranus = more occasional catch-ups.

    The cute cosmic imagery lets you envision your orb’s alignment based on whose Friend Universe you’re exploring.

    So whenever you’re curious about your positioning among friends, pull up their profiles and tap that badge, baby!

    Discovering which planet you are in their social galaxy takes just a second. 🪐

    And, of course, being a Snapchat Plus subscriber is key to unlocking the doors to these sweet Friend Solar System insights!


    Wanna find your status in friends' Snapchat universes? Just poke around their profiles until a badge with "Best Friends" or "Friends" outlined in gold pops up.

    Go ahead and tap that baby! In an instant, a cute little planet will appear, indicating exactly where you rank in their social solar system order - with inner planets like Mercury meaning you're their #1 chat MVP all the way out to distant Neptune suggesting more occasional catch-ups.

    Tap tap tap away to discover your unique cosmic spot in each BFF's starry sphere!

    Your Snapchat friends circle lines up based on chat frequency and recency - the BFF constantly blowing up your phone with snaps and texts hangs out as inner planet Mercury, while less frequent pals dwell way out as frosty Neptune. Simply put, most snapped = top spot!

    Every planet slot aligns with a BFF level: Sun = them, Mercury = their top chat mate, Mars = friend #4, etc. So, poke your badge to uncover the cosmic body representing your place in their universe. Inner spheres = more texts, outer rings = occasional pings!

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